Shubert Functions

Shubert Functions

[ n-Dim | 1-Dim | 2-Dim | 3-Dim | 4-Dim | 5-Dim ]

n-dimension Shubert function

shubrtn.gif (1947 bytes)   mos.jpg (1159 bytes)

The n-dimension Shubert function has n*pow(3,n) global solutions. They are unevenly spaced.

1-dimension Shubert function [top]

shubrt1.gif (1831 bytes)

The 1-dimension Shubert function has 3 of which are global minimas with -186.73067. They are unevenly spaced.

2-dimension Shubert function [top]

shubrt2.gif (2449 bytes)  

The 2-dimension Shubert function has 760 local minimas, 18 of which are global minimas with -186.73067. They are unevenly spaced. From Zbigniew Michalewicz, "Genetic Algorithms + Data Structures = Evolution Programs", Springer-Verlag Berlin Heideberg, 1996.

shubert2.PNG (302076 bytes)shubert21.png

3-dimension Shubert function [top]

shubrt3.gif (2990 bytes)

The 3-dimension Shubert function has 81 global minimas, They are unevenly spaced.

4-dimension Shubert function [top]

shubrt4.gif (3547 bytes)

The 4-dimension Shubert function has 324 global minimas, They are unevenly spaced.

5-dimension Shubert function [top]

shubrt5.gif (3267 bytes)

The 5-dimension Shubert function has 1215 global minimas, They are unevenly spaced.

[ n-Dim | 1-Dim | 2-Dim | 3-Dim | 4-Dim | 5-Dim ]

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